Drills: Basic set 1.0

I used this set of tricks as my practice and warm up from the beginning of August until the beginning of October, 2013.

This basic set of warm up tricks includes the following:
Frontside 180s
Backside 180s
Fakie Ollies
Backside Half-cabs
Backside popshovits
Frontside popshovits

If I include the Basic Set 1.0 as part of a session, but have any variation, I’ll mention it in the post.

3 thoughts on “Drills: Basic set 1.0

  1. Hey ancient- Are you getting hurt doing old skool grinds, slides, etc. or on the flip tricks. I would think the flip tricks would be more deleterious. I am picking up skating again at 34 (using a Mikey Taylor AWS board with 80’s trucks and wheels) and committing to land flip tricks terrifies me.
    Thanks for the inspiration- you seem to have battled through quite a bit of adversity regarding health.

    • Very cool that you are picking up skating! As ridiculous as it sounds…I wish I’d picked up skating again when I was only 34! (Hey, 6 years more of skate life! Actually, I was just turning 39 when I got back into it). Yeah I’ve taken a beating in the last year and a half, that’s for sure. The flip tricks really aren’t that harsh though, as they are so low to the ground and slow moving. One usually can anticipate if it’s going awry and then when the stance to land straddling the off kilter board.
      I’ve had 3 flat ground flip trick injuries and 4 obstacle based injuries, so almost even, but not really when you consider that 90% of my skating is flat ground flip tricks. So I’ve gotten hurt much more ratio-wise when adding uneven terrain. The flip trick injuries: broken toe learning pop shovits; slightly sprained ankle trying Casper late flips (haven’t tried since); and most recently a small broken bone (I speculate) in the inner arch of my front foot learning tre flips. The injuries from terrain: torn ligaments in wrist hitting a sidewalk bump as I was about to Ollie off an uneven tile, that was the worst, splint for months; hairline heel fracture bailing from coping to the bottom of the big pool at Venice skate park; broken finger grinding on a ledge; broken finger board sliding across two picnic tables. I wouldn’t undo the experience in general though, despite the injuries. It’s been totally worth it!

      • FWhat’s Up!

        Props mad props, you have me in age but i got you in back surgeries with two laminectomies in the somewhat distant past on my lower back. I forgot how skating balance and inertia is based within the core. But I know just skating around town for 45min- 1hr per day is helping me. I have gathered that you have a yoga studio: If you could suggest a few yoga poses for someone with lower back issues I would really appreciate it…. for now my progression has stalled out due to general soreness, fear, and somewhat shoddy equipment (I need spitties and ventures badly). Also security has foiled my efforts and rendered one of my favorite curbs to boardslide obsolete by surrounding it with cars. I skate St. Paul, MN, so imagine cracks, gravel, and generally unfriendly terrain due to the constant freezing and thawing.
        Peace out

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