First Fakie Frontside and Backside Big Spins!

A still frame of a fakie ollie big spin! Fairfax High. 11.13.14

A still frame of a fakie ollie big spin! Fairfax High. 11.13.14

Skate steady
On my last post I wrote that I landed my first fakie no comply big spin. It was an accidental discovery, and I went with it, and then I did it over and over. That was from a 2+ hour solo skate session last Monday. I didn’t get it on video though, that night. I got it filmed on Tuesday night though (six days ago. Been waaaay too busy to blog, but skated almost every other night since, at least 75 minutes each time). 

Tuesday night
Contrary to sanity, fueled by tunnel skate vision, I went out again for a solo session on Tuesday night.
Location: Fairfax High
Duration: About 2 hours.
Practice Set: I practiced a complete Game Set 3.0, stoked to land the tre flips (though they were again, pretty shaky). And then I also practiced a round of Tre Flip Component Practice. This essential manner of keeping it proactive is evolving. I’ll elaborate in another post about it later.

After the above mentioned thorough warm-up, I landed a few kickflips over a 10″ board on its side. That’s the result of a bunch of practice. Still only about a 10% make rate.

I landed more fakie no comply big spins (frontside), and got it on vid. I also practiced something I’d only landed once or twice ever (and only about 2 weeks ago): 270 frontside no comply to backside tailslide. I got video of that too. Below!

Above: The video from the session I was JUST writing about even further above!

Thursday night: First Fakie Frontside Ollie Big Spin
Wednesday night was all busy, but I got out for another 1.75 hours on Thursday.
Location: Fairfax High, but I got kicked out. Went to Bank of America and warmed up with a Practice Set 3.0. Again I included the Tre Flip component practice. Essential! Tres are at once so simple, but yet so complex. Especially if you are like me, an overthinking, overanalyzing ancient skater.
Duration: About 90 minutes.

After I warmed up at the Bank, I snuck back into my previous location (after the guy who kicked me out had left). On this night, based on my accomplishment of the fakie frontside no comply big spin, I decided to try doing it as an ollie instead of a no comply. I landed about 10 of them. Once I got the camera rolling though, it started to rain! Very rare for Los Angeles.

Friday night
I didn’t get to skate. Was super bummed about that. Am addicted. However, I was talking with a 14 year old son of an acquaintance, he saw my cruiser board (because I did skate a few miles during commute), asked if I skated. I showed him my vid of frontside fakie no comply big spins, and told him I’d just landed my first fakie frontside big spins. He was impressed and said he can only do them backside. It never occurred to me to try them backside until after I finished the natural progression of learning them from my accidental over rotation of a fakie 180 frontside no comply last Monday. He was like, “No way man, backside is way easier!

So I was jonesing to learn.

Small but tempting. It's a high ollie for me to do into a controlled 5-0 moment, or rear truck stall, but I want this shot!

Small but tempting. It’s a high ollie for me to do into a controlled 5-0 moment, or rear truck stall, but I want this shot!

Frontside popshovit late flip
While doing the practice set on Thursday I floated a nice and high frontside popshovit. I got into landing position so early, it was like time slowed down for a long moment. I realized then that if I were to practice this height and timing it would be very possible for me to kick the deck out and down into a late kickflip. I even theorized that I should be able to do a late heel flip this way too. So I decided to try to do it the next time I went skating.

Saturday night
Location: Fairfax High
Duration: About 75 minutes.

Warmed up with the main stuff of a Practice set 3.0. I left out the 360 ollies and the no complies and didn’t obsess on landing a tre (I’d landed a few each time all week). But I did get in an abbreviated Tre Flip component practice, just to keep those neurons firing.

I tried a few frontside popshovit late flips, and they were way, WAY harder than they appeared in my selective idealization memory. However, at one point I did it except my front foot landed too soon. That’ll be a battle for later.

Then I went on to film the below. I landed some fakie frontside ollie big spins, backside half cab kickflips and fakie varial flips. With only about 10 minutes left to skate, I tried fakie backside ollie big spins, and they were ridiculously easy after first learning them frontside. I landed a bunch of them after only 3 attempts. Good times.

Now of course, I want to learn the fakie tre flip and then do a combination of fakie backside big spin plus tre flip.

Video of Saturday’s session below:

Above: Video of backside halfcab kickflip; fakie varial flip; 2 versions of fakie backside ollie big spin; fakie frontside ollie big spin. 

Sunday and Monday
Alas, the factors of adulthood are working against me. And then, because I’ve been so busy with no wife activities, I’ll most likely need to devote my Tuesday to a little householder catch-up. Then fucking Wednesday will also be busy. Shit! I just want to skate!!!!! There is a small chance I’ll sneak something in on Tuesday.


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