My recent skate dark ages


The last six weeks or so
Over the previous 15 months, roughly, I started relearning how to skate, and skated almost every single day. I was on hiatus from some work endeavors, getting recharged (and also living on nothing, and it was harsh on the marriage). Over the last 5 months I kept writing in this blog how my 3 hours or so of daily skating was coming to an end. About 4 months ago I started skating just an hour per night. It sucked but I love skating, so I took it. Also about that time I opened a business with my wife which started taking up tons of time. Then I started attending meetings in a program, which is still eating up about 20 hours per week. Then about 6 weeks ago I broke a bone in my foot (but it is pretty much ok to skate on again). More recently, about 4 weeks ago – at the beginning of the “dark ages”, I had to take a fucking temp job which is literally filling up every nook and cranny of my schedule. LIterally 50 hours per week. Oh shit, plus I’m married. In total non-exaggeration mode I went from total lounging mode last year to total, “holy shit I’m too busy” mode. For skating it sucks.

I’ve been getting some messages on this blog wondering where I want. My desire is strong. I wish to skate, I wish to do tons and tons of skating. However, I’ve never been so busy in my life. Too busy to even blog much. Literally I’ve been waking up around 4:45am and getting to bed around midnight, for 3 weeks in a row now. So, that’s where I’ve been.


In the midst of this all, I have managed about 3 sessions that I didn’t blog about, and numerous occasions of skate commuting, just ollieing over things and doing manuals. During those three sessions I was able to actually land everything in my Practice set 2.2. Surprised myself. I did the tre flip practice as well, and landed some tre flips. Felt awesome. Just didn’t have time to write about it.

Admittedly, there were a handful more times when I was done with my monster-long days a bit early, like 9ish. Normally, as in over the previous 15 months, I often started skate sessions past 9. However, with this new super overwhelming day job/business/classes/marriage/commute madness, in those times I could only sit there, fucking dead to the world.

New First
In the midst of all this, I actually managed a new first. First time rolling in a manual and doing a kickflip from that position. Landed a few of them about 4 weeks ago, but when I tried again last week, wasn’t successful. Felt awesome.

In summary
All of this extreme busy-ness will end eventually, and my skate practice shall pick up again. It is killing me, my desire is extreme, and yet, these are just some of the challenges facing married, adult skaters who are not independently wealthy. On the nights when I did get in those sessions, it meant that I was getting less than 5 hours of sleep, and it killed me the next day. Today is Saturday, and I do intend on getting in a session. I might not be able to write about it for awhile. Just know, good people who read this blog, that I am out there, am working hard and am looking forward to every single moment when I can roll.