White line practice


The above white line became a guage for me in practicing control.

Standard day of stuff and squeezing in a practice afterward. Commuted a ton on my board, which means tons of manuals and even some nose mannys.

When I’m skating most of the time I obviously obsess on a day to day basis on perfecting the basic ollie and flip tricks. Eventually I’d like to do these into grinds. Today I did lots of attempts while riding beside and onto a white painted line in a parking lot, to practice landing on a target.

Rite Aid parking lot.
90 minutes, plus commute skating.

Backside Popshovits
Frontside Popshovits
Fakie Ollies
Backside Half-cabs
Backside 180 Ollies
Varial Flips

New Trick Practice

Tre Flips
25 attempts, zero makes.
Was an awesome tre practice session. 25 attempts goes by super quick. About half of them rotated around as a full 360 under my front foot, as a 360 Popshovit. I almost landed these, only my back foot was too slow.
The other half had the flip of the board included, but it dirtied up the nose to tail rotation. One attempt was so close, I might have actually made it, but I think my foot tapped the ground real quickly so I did it wasn’t a make.
Soon come.


Saw some great ledges down by the civic center today. Waxed. Was on the way to get anti-inflammatory medicine for my fractured finger from a different ledge.

75 attempts, zero makes.
Despite not rolling away from any, this was easily tied for my best heelflip practice session. I got both my feet on like 6 of them, and one foot on like another 20. About another 20 were clean, high, unintentional heel Ollies with a cool straight front leg, but not enough secondary heel action to flip it. Shows I’m totally in the right neighborhood.
Ran out of time, or I’d have gone until I landed one and rolled away.

1. Kickflips: Was easily the fastest I ever rolled while making all 25 kickflips today. Been in my head with these, and rolling fast just takes that away.
Was also about the fastest I ever landed all 25 makes from start to finish.

My board became a prisoner. I go to the doctor.


My favorite skate spot, a middle school, has reopened already! Oh no!

Got a royal shuffle, was dissatisfied, getting kicked out of places or deciding the spot was bad. Took up way too much of my skate time.
Later in the day I had to go to the doctor for my third time since resuming skating, the o checked out my finger.  Even took blood in case of infection!

1.Between spots that didn’t work out, I enjoyed doing manuals going down the streets.
2. Doctor was free.
3. In the end I skated back at my old turf for about 45 min. First time in maybe six weeks. Felt good.

1. Already mentioned: hard to find a spot today.
2. No shade!

45 min skating. 45 min cruising around looking. 25 min getting my skateboard back from Walgreens.


A great manual pad has recently become a prisoner. What next?


Started skating this ledge...


While skating a nearby ledge behind a Walgeens, my board went under the locked fence above.


My board as a prisoner. Locked up. Took awhile to get from the workers in the store.

Backside Popshovits
Frontside Popshovits
Backside 180 Ollies

It was fun.
The doctor visit wasn’t fun. The doctor told me, “no more skating”. Shhhh….

Speed up the board, turn off the brain


Worked from 5:30am until 8:15pm. It was a serious task, being married and all, to commute back till 9, then stay out an extra hour to skate, then finish commuting and parking and be home at 11pm.
I imagine if we were wealthy or had at least a little security in life that it wouldn’t be a problem to spend so much time on my board. Instead, cherished marriage time and responsibilities and finances and career difficulties are making it increasingly difficult to skate.
Not as easy to fly when taking shit so seriously.

A middle school in Hollywood.

55 minutes, plus the time it took to sneak in.

One hour.

Skating stoked from breakthroughs the day before.

Kept thinking I heard the cops coming for me. Lots of noises in that echoey covered lot.
Wanted more time.
Even though I’d had a “breakthrough” with kickflips, I immediately felt the inhibitory heaviness of being too fucking aware of everything, in my head with it. See below.


The usual to begin with.
Backside Popshovits
Frontside Popshovits
Fakie Ollies
180 Backside Ollies

1. After singing praises to my revelation about finally understanding all about kickflips, I was surprised that I was messing up my attempts one way or another. I understand that I’m still working on incorporating into muscle memory all the minutia, but it was taking abnormally long to land the first fifteen.
However, I know I’ve broken it down correctly, and I’ve in fact overthought it by now. So for the last 7 minutes I cruised around way faster than normal and banged out the last ten easy easier and faster than the first fifteen.

From here on out, unless it’s a big deal, I won’t be analyzing the kickflips. I get it. I know what to do. It’s all just doing it and slowly building muscle memory from here.

Kickflip Breakthrough; Heelflip Revelation


Getting padded up in the only slice of shade in the best nearest parking lot. I still resent the pads, really despise them, but at the same time I appreciate how they take a HUGE beating every day.



Regular Ollies:
Fakie Ollies
180 Backside Ollies
Backside Half-cabs
Backside Popshovits
Frontside Popshovits
Backside Varial Flips

The above fun and practice took 34 minutes, plus a few breaks. Wasn’t rushing, but that’s record time. Yesterday I was obsessed and overthinking my mechanical breakdown and it took over an hour just to do 50 kickflips without having two in a row where it skyrockets and the back tail hits the ground.
Today, with a new relaxed approach and an adjustment on my foot placement, I did almost all 25 kickflips consecutively. Each high, straight and awesome. It was the opposite of yesterday, but I’m grateful for yesterday’s thorough trial and error.


An artified still of yesterday's backside ollie into backside tailslide.

New trick practice

Tre Flips
50 attempts, zero makes. I loved this practice regardless the again zero. Based on what I learned today about my kickflips, I made much needed changes to my front foot placement and motions. All of a sudden, way more control. Came very close numerous times.

Attempts: 50; Makes: 2; Make rate: 4%


1. Regarding Kickflips:
I’m quoting something I wrote today about my notes on yesterday’s very obsessive practice:
“I learned that I was throwing off my timing and pop in so many ways because I was trying to speed up the flick by 25% or try to force the Ollie higher to allow more rotation time. But then I realized I don’t have to speed up or do any of that, I only needed to move my front foot up closer to, even overlapping, the front bolts! Make the journey of the foot shorter, and use the board more like a lever and bang! Way easier.”
So that’s what I observed today. I did 25 quality, high, tight, rolling, even height, non-skyrocketing kickflips, almost consecutively.
It was a breakthrough that spilled over immediately into my following tre and Kickflip Practice.
That’s not to say that my timing won’t ever be off in the future, but I feel like I finally eradicated the old 80s habit of flicking down or flat across. The last vestige of this was my starting placement of my front foot: I cheated it back too far back toward the middle of the deck. This made the distance to the nose too far for the quick flip while getting even height. Only way I could get in the complete flip before while putting my front foot so far back, was to flick down or flat across. That was before. Now with the front foot further forward I can keep more leverage over the center of the board and minimize the quickness of the front foot action. For anything. Late flips even!
I realized that I don’t need to scoot my foot back to get extra power during my Ollie. The boards are so light and I’m so much stronger than when I was kid. The shape of the nose adds to the ease of getting height.
That said, I do also know that once I’m better at all this, I can also learn how to do it all with my foot back further for more power.


To break up my unusually lengthy post, here is a very little grindable curbed corner. On Western just south of Franklin.

2. Regarding Heelflips: Just like how my Kickflip adjustment immediately gave me more control in my tre flip attempts – very promising – so also it gave me a new vision for heelflips. The skateboard is only a lever.
I remembered, “pop an Ollie, do a trick.”
Over the last eight or nine days, I landed only a few heelflips, and I kept playing with the mechanics, learning by trial and error. I watched many different heelflip how to videos on YouTube, a few of them directly conflicting with each other. I’d decided to try a middle path approach to the conflicting lessons, and then also found the following VERY HELPFUL VIDEO. That video really very much was a middle path approach. And today, it worked quite well for me.
With all of this I can play and practice patiently FOREVER as long as I know I’m doing it correctly. The thing I’m thrilled about today is that now I’ve settled on the correct method, and from here on out it’s less analyzing and more feeling. I’ll analyse it when the dynamics get out of proportion, but that’ll be just to get it back to what I’ve definitively learned.
Note: back in February after my round of vertigo I theorized in this blog that the above is what I needed to incorporate. It took time to bring it into muscle memory and weed out old 80s habits that are tied in, I.e the power Ollie.
During the first 12 heelflip attempts today I just accidentally ollied high without even getting the heel spin in there. It was like a cool, heel based Ollie. Loftiness was missing from some of my other ways of trying.
I landed number 13, and another one later. Most of the rest of my attempts were nice Ollies and either close to being makes, or they were all good except my heel flip was either too hard or too slow and it would either over or under spin. But in place. After air. Very promising.
The middle path foot placement I’ve learned to stay with after hours and hours of experimenting:
Front foot about an inch or less below the front truck bolts, at about a 30° angle, with only my small toe and part of second toe hanging off the front edge of the deck.
For the motion, as soon as the lever action of the ollie gets to its height, I start to roll my front foot up toward the scoop of the nose. I start by dragging the widest part of my front outer foot, and as it moves up toward the nose I drag it back toward the heel (meaning I’m pushing the foot more off the front edge of the deck), and then when the heel gets to the scoop of the nose I flick my foot out.
Watch the vid. What was confusing me was specific, opposing instructions and vagueness that is now clarified.

I’m probably working all day, on a tv show. However, the location of crew parking is one of the famous Santa Monica middle schools wherein exist the best banks and ditches. I’m bringing my board and hoping to skate.

These are just some of the joys, struggles and revelations -and analyzing -of this adult relearning how to skateboard.

Obsessive Compulsive, Productive, Non-flowing Kickflip Practice


Started the day in this unshaded lot, working on manual fun by those cones.


Duration: 2.25 hours
Location: Encino empty lot, and later, a closed middle school in Hollywood.
Pros: More time than usual to skate. The second half was at my all time favorite spot: a closed middle school. Smooth, shaded, alone.
Also, I played around a ton, had fun with manuals and backside tailslides!

Cons: Was obsessed, wouldn’t move on from kickflips for over an hour, maybe 90 minutes. I fell many times because my flip with the proper foot placement kept only going 75% around, landing on the side of the board. Very cool if intentional. Painful if not.


First backside tailslide of mine to be photographed.

Backside Popshovits
Frontside Popshovits
Backside Half-cabs
Fakie Ollies

180 Backside Ollies
Practiced and loved these a ton as I warmed up for backside tailslides!


I'd love to Smith or 50-50 this!

1. Regarding Kickflips: Kept thudding the Ollie down by being too heavy on the front foot during the spin, and that’s when I wasn’t flicking out enough. But when I tried to get my foot out straight with a little flick, the board would only spin 3/4, landing balanced on the side. So I figured I was flicking it 25% too slow. Both these problems make the board either skyrocket up with the nose, making for a very low rear wheel lift, stifling the potential. Sometimes I overthought the whole thing and ended up popping the tail too slow, too heavy or I’d lean back and throw my weight into it, making it spin low but fly away in front of me.
Every now and then I’d synchronize all the right motions and proportions, landing a nice Kickflip. More often than not I had a huge thud.
Note: As I finish writing this, it is already the next day, after another session. I’ll write about it in a separate entry, but I want to add here that already the next day after this very difficult practice, I learned that I was throwing off my timing and pop in so many ways because I was trying to speed up the flick by 25% or try to force the Ollie higher to allow more rotation time. But then I realized I don’t have to speed up or do any of that, I only needed to move my front foot up closer to, even overlapping, the front bolts! Make the journey of the foot shorter, and use the board more like a lever and bang! Way easier.

Stay posted.

Already happened. It was awesome. See my next post.

Quick bare minimum in a Pasadena bus wash station.


The above photo and Friday’s brief skate session was after working in Pasadena on the show Parenthood. I also saw the following skate spots while wearing a suit.


This was in Hollywood, before I left for Pasadena. It'll probably be my first rail.


Downhill manual pad in Pasadena.

Practice Yesterday
I only got to skate about 20 minutes. The basic trick I need to master for so many reasons is the Kickflip. So when I have no time to skate that’s what I do.

Some great kickflips mixed in with lots of off timed thuds. Been doing so many kickflips lately I’m either free and floating with them, or in my head and flailing.

Heelflip Frustration


Was very grateful for this tree!


Location: Rite Aid parking lot
Duration: 1.5 hours including manuals in route.
Pros: Into it. Stoked to learn. The tree pictured above. Had some new heelflip technique to experiment with, things I saw on YouTube.
Cons: Wanted more time. The techniques I experimented with from YouTube were way different than the ones I started with from a different video, and this messed me up.

Backside Popshovits
Frontside Popshovits
Fakie Ollies
Backside Half-cabs
Backside 180 Ollies
Backside Varial Flips

New trick practice
50 attempts, zero makes.

Treflip Practice
25 attempts, zero makes.

Frontside 360s
Tried about 15, rolled away from about 9. Only one was a true 360, but it felt great to be rolling away from 290s to 340s, especially since they were under control and I haven’t practiced them since I got them.


Saw this sweet ledge today while wearing a suit on Ventura boulevard.


1. I’ve landed a few heelflips now, but not in the last couple days. They were high and tight, and I’d decided that part of my learning curve involves speeding up the motion of the front foot.
However, the dude who did all the heelflip skate support videos from which I solve most of my problems, it only sometimes looks like he uses his heel, and meanwhile I’ve seen other videos with people kicking out more dramatically, using their heels. Seems like I should use my heel, but when I practiced the new technique today I had a very hard time popping the Ollies into it. The latter vid also had the dude’s toes and half foot hanging off the front of the board. Looks delicious. Was not easy.
Plan on resuming practice tomorrow, but placing my foot about halfway between the two methods. The first one was coming along nicely, but I want to be able to kick out my heel and look all karate with it. After all, it’s a Heelflip!

2. Great, tight, high kickflips. 25 per day is paying off.

3. Super close to landing a couple. Bailed hard on an almost. Even the non flips are rotating well, 360.

Going to work in a Pasadena. Not as likely that I’ll skate. I hope to skate! Been working hard, my legs could use a rest. Figure if I can skate though, I will.

Auxiliary session


Running errands today, I see this street art!

Tonight, technically last night
As hoped for, I got in an extra skate session tonight! (Wednesday).

Had a strong margarita and a half with dinner and so I was buzzed, and legs super sore from skating all week. So I skated for over an hour, just having fun, no drills. (But I do love the drills, in fact, they are super fun).

Carved around, ollied lots of stuff, did little grinds and slides, manuals. At the end I tried a bunch of tres and heelflips, came close to landing a few heelflips. Got my feet on but then I lost it.

Halfdead Skateboards: Older Skaters Discussion Forum


After the zombies take over and there's no transit police, I'm riding these walls.

First, I want to mention a new blog/forum created by a cool dude, Lee Bryan. He’s writing a book about the phenomena of us “older skaters”. He received over 2,000 completed surveys during his research, and decided to start a skate company for this niche market, this large but disparate community. I’m stoked also that he started an online forum for us ancient skaters. It’s perfect for what has obsessed me and fills my own blog. Check it out here!

Going to be a busy day. Had to squeeze it in early. Was on my board less than 15 minutes after waking up. Am super sore from skating hard every single day for a couple weeks, no days off from skating. Honestly thought I’d just do my obsessive kickflip practice and the rest of the time hang with some gentle manuals. Once I got my coffee and a little sativa, I just went for it further instead.

Location: Rite aid parking lot.
Duration: 1 hour solid skating; 25 min commuting, and taking necessary breaks. Was super sunny and hot, needed my ice coffee.
Pros: No security, no distractions, smooth lot. Only skating with finger injuries.
Cons : No shade. Wanted more time. Sweat dripping so much had a hard time seeing.

Backside Popshovits
Frontside Popshovits
Fakie Ollies
Backside Half-cabs
Backside 180 Ollies
Backside Varial Flips

New trick practice
25 attempts, zero makes.


Today's sliver of shade, just big enough to chill with iced coffee between drills.

1. Although this is the first practice of heelflips in 4 sessions wherein I didn’t land a heelflip, it was probably my best practice. Many consecutive almosts. Good form during the second half. Just ran out of time.
2. Jonesing for more time to also practice 360 frontsides, and of course, tres.
3. Yesterday was, from the outside -and from my feelings – the worst Kickflip practice. It really was effective though, as today was probably the best set of 25 kickflips I’ve ever done. Retraining can look like a setback, but it all works out.

I hope. Or maybe more tonight!

First Rolling Tre Flip and First backside tailslide


Small but mighty. Did my first adult backside tailslide here tonight.

Duration: 1.25 hours
Location: Rite aid parking lot, Franklin and Western, Los Feliz, Los Angeles. And across the street.

Backside Popshovits
Frontside Popshovits
Backside 180 Ollies
Fakie Ollies
Backside Half-cabs
Backside Varial Flips

New Trick Practice

25 attempts, 1 make. Make rate: 4%

Tre Flips
25 attempts. 1 make. First Rolling make ever! Make rate: 4%

On the way home I stopped and did my first backside tailslide since I was a kid. It was awesome. Felt it was time to try since my backside 180s have been tight.


Shady lot today.

1. Half way through practice I thought of calling this post, “the worst practice ever.” Felt heavy-footed, and took way more hard slams than ever. Ollie thuds. Kickflips were as though I was just learning for the first time. Good news is that’s because I’ve been making adjustments to eventually be consistently better.

2. Got my feet on about 5 of those tre flip attempts before I fell. Getting the spin consistently, that’s the hardest part. The flip need work.
The rolling tre I landed wasn’t the cleanest, but it was nonetheless an accomplished.
Funny how it came only moments after the most I’ve ever wanted to throw my board (Kickflip frustrations).

3. I slammed on the pavement more in this practice than the last month combined. Pissed at myself for not learning by now how to fall better, without using my hands.
Problem is, I’m a lot heavier and taller than I was as a kid. Further to fall, harder, and with more time to react wrongly and defensively. These are just some of the problems facing this adult relearning how to skateboard.